The Obligatory
"Play safe. Ski only in clockwise direction. Let's all have fun together."
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The Death of a Gnome

... and so it is with a heavy heart and lowered head we remember the life and times of Cleymour, level 60 Gnome Rogue on the Dragonblight server.
Cleymour was the third of my Azerothian companions, after first flirting with a druid, a shaman, and a mage. Yes, roguery was my first true online virtual love - my dual-wielded, poison-tipped daggers flying slicing through dragons, zombies, and unsuspecting n00bs alike.
Cleymour's greatest passion was his Gnomish Engineering. He never went into battle without his bag full of self-made trinkets. From Shrink Rays to Death Rays to fireworks, Cleymour always had something that would help in every situation. Or, at least, entertain. Cley loved Engineering so much that he would often spend his entire bank account buying raw materials and schematics. As a result, Cley never knew the joy of riding an Epic Mount or wearing fancy armor.
Cleymour was a founding member of the Knights of S., whose vampire bat guild emblem struck fear into those who saw it. As the guild's only rogue, Cleymour was adept at hiding in the bushes while guild druid Barazov spent all of his mana, luring Horde into traps. When the Horde attacked the seemingly helpless night elf, Cley would emerge from the shadows to decimate the confused and angered Horde. These were some of Cleymour's most cherished memories.
But as the Guild dissolved, Cley was left purposeless in Azeroth. No one wants a rogue in their group, and Cley was left to fighting in the Arathi Basin for PvP points. After having trouble getting into other guilds for the same reason, Cleymour grew disinterested and frustrated with long wait times, and departed Azeroth on December 18, 2005 - about one year after he entered the realm.
Let us all share a moment of silence for Cleymour, knowing full well he will probably be back for the next expansion pack.
Cleymour is survived by his Mechanostrider, Gnomish Battle Chicken, Mechanical Dragonling, and Field Repair-Bot. Donations can be made to Casey Schreiner's bank account, in his honor.
aww man... Now I've really got nobody to play with... Radimus is going to have a very lonely future trying to get to level 60 all by himself. Fear not, for you shall have a new priest to replace Pelagius in Ver. 2.0... hopefully.
, at
I don't even know what you are talking about. I feel horribly stupid, since the only thing I got out of the whole spiel was that something died and I think there's a video game involved.
Oh sorry. Send him my regards...haha.
, at