The Obligatory
"Play safe. Ski only in clockwise direction. Let's all have fun together."
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
On the Moving Picture Box
People often ask me, 'Casey, where have you been? Why hasn't anyone seen you in seven months?' The answer, of course, is work. Where I live. And also work.
Usually the question that follows immediately after that is, 'So what exactly do you do at work?'
Because "television producer" can be about as vague as "entrepreneur," I most often explain with a detailed run down of the daily duties of a producer - following an idea from creation to execution, blah blah blah ... or the much more succinct and catchier phrase, "I am a professional nerd."
In the biz, we call that "sizzle."
Now, I don't plan on making work a significant portion of this blog, but when we put something up on our site that shows off something I'm particularly proud of, I'm going to put it up here. Because I need all the attention I can get.
So, in order to show off both the television production side and the professional nerd side of what I do, here are two segments from the BlizzCon convention I produced.

The first, an overview of the Convention, with standard nerd convention nerdspoitation.

The second, an expose on in-game racism and genocide that ranks among the nerdiest things I've ever done. If you don't play World of Warcraft, you probably won't get most of the jokes. But you can still enjoy our incredible opening graphics.
Again, I promise there won't be too many of these. Unless, you know, you like 'em.
Also, stay tuned for constant template tweaking.
Usually the question that follows immediately after that is, 'So what exactly do you do at work?'
Because "television producer" can be about as vague as "entrepreneur," I most often explain with a detailed run down of the daily duties of a producer - following an idea from creation to execution, blah blah blah ... or the much more succinct and catchier phrase, "I am a professional nerd."
In the biz, we call that "sizzle."
Now, I don't plan on making work a significant portion of this blog, but when we put something up on our site that shows off something I'm particularly proud of, I'm going to put it up here. Because I need all the attention I can get.
So, in order to show off both the television production side and the professional nerd side of what I do, here are two segments from the BlizzCon convention I produced.

The first, an overview of the Convention, with standard nerd convention nerdspoitation.

The second, an expose on in-game racism and genocide that ranks among the nerdiest things I've ever done. If you don't play World of Warcraft, you probably won't get most of the jokes. But you can still enjoy our incredible opening graphics.
Again, I promise there won't be too many of these. Unless, you know, you like 'em.
Also, stay tuned for constant template tweaking.
I loved The Plight of the Murlocs. It is about time that someone took a look at this issue.
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