The Obligatory
"Play safe. Ski only in clockwise direction. Let's all have fun together."
Monday, November 07, 2005
A New Beginning

Behold and rejoice, indeed - for my triumphant return to the world of internet navel-gazing!
Yes, after a year and several months of no net-correspondence, we are ready to resume our abusive relationship, dear readers. And I promise I won't lose interest in this blog like I did in that other one ... or the one I did after that ... or the one that followed shortly thereafter...
So why am I back?
1. People are Clamoring for Quality Internet Content Only I Can Deliver. Well, OK. Probably just a few people. And the content that will most likely appear on this page will probably just barely meet the qualities for the term "content," let alone "quality." In reality, I'd like to encourage other people to continue to write their blogs, and I think if I keep one up, they'll be forced to, too.
Also, I'd like to get into music arguments with The Crippler.
Also also, I'd like to do something other than play World of Warcraft or City of Villians when I get home from work.
2. The Internet Is Now Idiot-Proof. Have you seen these blogspot things? They do almost all of the work for you, now. They even let you put pictures on them with a few clicks ... even though that doesn't seem to be working right now. Back in my day, I had to fiddle with HTML tags, FTP uploads, and dozens of other kinds of bullshit that I frankly don't have time for now that I'm a Man About Town. That was fine when I was in college and wanted to put off a paper. But now I'm employed. If I want to waste time, I'm going to get on MySpace like everyone else.
3. I'm Finally on MySpace, So Why Not This, Too? I finally sucked it up and got a MySpace account. I don't know why, so don't ask. It's not like I need more time wasting activities in my life. And it's not for the Meat Market qualities for which MySpace is commonly known. Some girl sent me an AssPic out of nowhere, and it was one of the few times I have actually been shocked by something on the internet. I'm from New England, damn it. We're supposed to enter into a 14 month letter-writing courtship before shit like that starts happening.
So prepare yourselves ... for tidal waves of updates with trickles of meaningful content. Or the other way. Or the way where they're both trickling. Who knows?
A real live casey update? first a liberal democrat spanks a neo-con (no doubt turning him gay) in the gubernatorial election here in this little red state of mine and now this? what a night!
i move for a higher ranking in your blog links.
i move for a higher ranking in your blog links.
Hooray for Schreiner! Always nice to come home from a bad day at work to see your beaming face on my comments. Consider your blog on my favorites list. Welcome back to the internet.
I miss Casey! can't wait for Pre-Thanksgiving!
I miss Casey! can't wait for Pre-Thanksgiving!