Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Why My Friend Jeremy Hoffmann Rules

He finagled me one of these.

Still have to pick up some games and a nunchuk, but now I'm aboard the Wii Revolution!


that one guy you know, 4:52 PM | | | | | | | | |


Day-um. Your friend know how to hook a brother up.

Congratulations on being a proud Wii owner.

And Happy Thanksgiving, too!
Blogger the breakfast ninja, at 8:25 PM  
That Jeremy guy sounds amazing. Plus it's cool he spells his last name with 2 Ns.
Blogger Unknown, at 12:44 AM  
Jeremies in general = two thumbs up.

My brother snagged a Wii, which he graciously allowed me to make much use of over the holiday weekend. There is no doubt: If Nintendo or some third parties get some some A+ games out there, I predict the Wii will be YUUUGE (a la the Trump).
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:29 PM  
Very happy for you. ^_^ How was your Thanksgiving?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:54 PM  

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