Monday, August 21, 2006

Airplane Poetry

A little while back, when I was flying home from Connecticut, I found a few pieces of yellow, lined paper in the seat pocket - you know, the one where they put the SkyMall catalog and safety cards?

I opened up the papers to find that someone had left some writing on them. And, as I have no respect for other people's privacy, I read it, and was immediately intrigued. Here is the complete text. It paints quite the picture:

"You will see the "Long Term" benefits

start thinking in terms of long term

Remaining balance of car?

Get a Tune Up next door
oil change, tires, etc. &
Drive it into the ground!

No wife, no kids, no debt. No credit card.
No car insurance. No car payment.

This is something I need you to do.

I know it's a tough thing to (unintelligible) now,

When you have $ use it!

One less monthly bill

After it's paid, you can (unintellible)
do whatever you want!"

I wonder who wrote this. What was going on in his life? Did he just get divorced? Slowly working his way out of debt? Or was this part of a full life-orienting 180 degree turn? What would posess him to write a letter to himself on the airplane, and why would he leave it there? Was this important to him, or was he just writing down mantras to drill thoughts into his head?

More importantly, what kinds of messages should I start leaving for people on airplanes?


that one guy you know, 1:16 PM | | | | | | | | |


wow. that's kind of amazing. I'm glad you posted it for posterity.
Blogger -Laurel-, at 11:45 PM  

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