Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Three Ridiculous Things, In Order of Increasing Ridiculousness

An exploitative political smear video ... about Ben Franklin.

An amazing self-defense video that contains the line, "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm going to break your leg." Thank you, Hemlock. Thank you so much for this.

Ann Coulter on "The Today Show" this morning. Wow, that lady's ridiculous.
that one guy you know, 9:45 PM | | | | | | | | |


i kept expecting the guys on self-defense video to start making out and break into an orgy.

is alright that i was a little dissapointed?
Blogger Unknown, at 7:19 AM  
I always want to read an Ann Coulter book so I can respond intelligently to her arguments, but why make the effort if she won't?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:08 PM  
I would like to marinate in her exquiste personal agony.

I'm in the same boat as Jeremy. Personally, I think her and O'Reilly should go live on an island somewhere and make evil little babies together.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:37 PM  
ome more thing, Mr. self-defense guy, white socks with black shoes?

bung bung bung
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:41 PM  

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