The Obligatory
"Play safe. Ski only in clockwise direction. Let's all have fun together."
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Consumerism on Display

One of the reasons you may not have seen me in a little while is this: My new fancypants entertainment setup.
1. 47" Vizio 1080p HDTV.
2. Toshiba HD-A20 HD-DVD player.
3. Nintendo Wii (not new)
4. Xbox 360 with HDMI out.
5. DirecTV HR-20 HD-DVR.
6. Planet Earth and Heroes HD-DVD box sets.
7. Bioshock, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Halo 3, The Orange Box.
I will say, despite some irritating audio lags on HD NBC shows, the HD lineup on DirecTV is fucking amazing. History Channel, Discovery Channel, and the National Geographic Channel in HD are unbelievable. Still waiting for my HD Cartoon Network and some new HD Mythbusters, though ...
Please ignore the fact that the rest of the apartment walls look barren. We're working on it.
I never would have thought. But consider me impressed. I'm still rocking the 37" 5000lb Sony Trinitron of the square variety.
Looks at my own 19 inch widescreen HD tv in disgust and shame. :(
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