Thursday, April 06, 2006

Good TV, Good TV!

South Park won a Peabody Award.


Also, last night's episode was phenomenal. A show that can simultaneously attack another show while poking fun at itself, its parent network, and American attitudes toward Islam while still being funny is amazing.

I still can't believe how funny this show is, ten seasons in. Kudos.
that one guy you know, 4:44 PM | | | | | | | | |


Thank god I'm not the only one that watches South Park. Unfortunately, I am too poor to afford the cable package that would allow me to have the show, so I download it. You should tell me the name of that episode and I'll get it. And on your last post, speaking of Hybrids, I hope you watched the episode with Smug and people living in San Francisco. Hilarious.
Blogger The Crippler, at 8:53 PM  

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