Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Return to Los Angeles

Just got in from spending almost a week in New England around the 4th of July.

I'll post more when I get settled in, with plenty of Flickr pics for all. But for now, know that I recharged my batteries with historical preservation, microbreweries, family gatherings, dogs, hiking, and all-around agrarian wonder.

Also, I held a baby goat, and it was adorable.

More later.
that one guy you know, 9:54 PM | | | | | | | | |


"Helping birth goats" should be included in the next installment of your "Doing Things That Are Awesome" series.
Blogger the breakfast ninja, at 7:45 AM  
You're telling me that goat couldn't have fit in your carry-on? I call bullshit!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:37 AM  
You are correct, that is adorable.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:31 PM  

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